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Your free range turkey or goose will be professionally cleaned and prepared for cooking and will be oven ready. Giblets are included. Free range turkeys and geese are available in various weights and qualities to meet your requirements. Also available in our range are free range turkey crowns, bone and roll, legs and wings. Prices are available upon request. For more info or to order a turkey, goose or duck, please ring Billy at 086-8744827.
Feighcullen Farm has been supplying five-star butchers and many restaurants throughout Ireland with our Free Range Turkeys for the past 10 years. Our turkeys and geese are available in the following weights:
For more info or to order a Free Range Turkey or Goose for Christmas,
please phone Marie at 086 215 1132 or Billy at 086 874 4827.
please phone Marie at 086 215 1132 or Billy at 086 874 4827.